Archive for the ‘Music Videos’ Category

Mozart Piano Returns Home

Friday, November 9th, 2012

This could not have been better planned.  It is amazing to see and potentially emotional.  This piano was the last piano that Mozart owned.  Of course most people do not realize that one of the most prolific composers of all times actually died at a rather early age but left behind a legacy that few would ever be able to overshadow.

The following clip is from ABC news and it briefly describes the return of Mozart’s last piano to his childhood home.  Click on the link below to see the amazing story which is done in three parts.  The commercials are bothersome but, try to be patient.

What a fascinating story.

Ric Overton

Amazing Performance by Kids

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

This was among the most deligthful videos I have seen lately.  When I saw this I wondered how well these kids had been taught and how many hours went into teaching each one of them their parts.  These guys are really something and worth watching.

Now you have to imagine that each of these kids has been with a teacher who taught them individually each single note, how long the note has to be held, proper timing and then put it all together in one grand performance.

I am used to writing about pianos but, I felt like this was one I couldn’t avoid.

When you have a chance, stop by the T-Shirt shop and find something fun.

Ric Overton


So You Want To Be A Concert Artist ?

Friday, March 30th, 2012

This documentary is one of the best I have ever seen.  I learned of it today from and was very impressed with our insight into the mind and heart of the concert musician.  I have experienced a small part of what you see in this documentary and believe me – it doesn’t come easy.  Perfect practice and a drive for perfection is what these people all have in common.  Amazing video I hope you enjoy.

Incredible are the only words I have to describe.

Ric Overton

Maxwell Steer

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Some of you may remember Maxwell Steer who visited us at PianoSD last year for a teacher workshop and played for us and spoke to us about teaching in the U.K.

I have kept in contact with Maxwell and was delighted to find out that he had put on YouTube a performance with Richard Black.  I felt you would be thrilled to hear this wonderful performance and decided to post this for you to see.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have

Our friend Maxwell Steer

I will be reporting more information about Maxwell and s

George Gershwin still alive and coming to San Diego?

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

One of the bad things about writing the multiple blogs and press releases, etc. is that I don’t ALWAYS get a chance to completely digest the multiple requests that I get to review a new project or program that is presented to me whether I get it in email or “snail” mail or whatever the case is.

Recently, I was asked to take a look at a play that was coming to San Diego and perhaps do my part to promote it if possible.  I made my normal post on Social Medias,etc. but, did not take it any farther until this morning when I had a follow up email about this performance that will take place in San Diego in July.

I stopped what I was doing and took the time to do a little “on-line” research and was pleasantly surprised NO- actually blown away at what I found.

First I visited the website here:

I couldnt believe my ears.  Its like he has returned to life.  Then I went to You Tube (of course)

Look whos coming to San Diego

And now I see what all of the hubub was about.  Mr. Felders ability to draw you into the event, make you a part of it and then allow you to see George through his eyes is an incredible feat.  I have read all of the review now and his wikipedia information.

This program is a must see.  And here’s how.  The Old Globe was kind enough to offer the following to the people that I was able to attract for them.  I hope you will take advantage of it.  It is sure to be an unforgettable evening.

We would like to offer *20% off of Area A seating. Tickets begin at just $39! Visit and select Hershey Felder as George Gershwin Alone.

Choose from performances July 1st through July 3rd and enter Promo Code: PianoSD or you can call the Box Office at (619) 234-5623.


posted by Ric Overton of  via

Hershey Felder as George Gershwin Alone

Old Globe Theatre

Conrad Prebys Theatre Center

Music by George Gershwin
and Ira Gershwin
Written by Hershey Felder
Directed by Joel Zwick

We are thrilled to bring back the show that introduced San Diego audiences to one of the most unique and entertaining performers to ever grace the Old Globe stage.  Hershey Felder as George Gershwin Alone played to sold out houses and standing ovations during its previous appearances at The Old Globe.  Now, to celebrate Hershey’s return with his newest triumph,  George Gershwin Alone will be performed for a 13-performance limited engagement.  The show incorporates Gershwin’s best-known songs, from “The Man I Love” and “Someone to Watch Over Me,” through passages and songs from An American in Paris and Porgy and Bess, to a complete performance of “Rhapsody in Blue.”

*Discounts apply to Area A seating only.

I posted three videos

Friday, June 24th, 2011

I posted three videos tonight that were really nice and thought I would share them with you.

The first one is about Estonia Pianos


This is from Seth who has a cool video also his website is

And of course the famous Rosemary Bailey at

Thanks for being patient with the website as we start the major MAJOR changes.

Ric Overton via

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