Dynatone U.S.
Dynatone Pianos have been around since 1987. EMI (Electronic Musical Instruments) which was a part of a much larger group known as Korea Electronics Co., LTD also known as KEC. In 1996, Dynatone took over the digital piano line from the World Famous LG to focus on creating a leading digital piano company. In 2000, Dynatone separated completely from KEC.
In the United States Dynatone was known as an OEM company. What this means is that any company could order a product and the OEM company would simply put the brand name that the customer wanted to use. When Dynatone began to market more worldwide they changed their policy on OEM product and began to only manufacture and sell under their own name brand. While this was a risk in some ways to Dynatone’s infrastructure it has proven to be a very smart move on their part.

Dynatone U.S.
In 2014 Dynatone began using a U.S. distributor for the very first time. The reception in the United States has been overwhelming. While Dynatone has grown their business in Europe as well as Korea and in other parts of the world, the U.S. has remained virtually untapped by them. Marketing in the United States started in 2014 by Piano Marketing Group.
Piano Marketing Group has successfully launched Dynatone into a number of states and is growing by leaps and bounds. While still relatively unknown it has a bright future ahead of it and should look for many exciting changes coming.

Dynatone New Products
The Products
The models Dynatone offers are fairly comprehensive, Piano Marketing Group chose to only import a small portion of their offerings. In this brand, you will find only 6 or 7 models. I have decided to go through each of the models and show you what they look like and even some demonstrations as to what they sound like.
Each of these models are incredible in their own way. I want to review each product in the coming weeks to show you how different each one is and perhaps you will be able to decide which one is right for you.
See You soon – From lovely Downtown Burbank, CA
Ric Overton