Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Finding A Piano

Wednesday, December 27th, 2023

By now you may have figured out that I am the owner at R. Kassman Piano in Berkeley, CA. I just finished an article regarding “Getting A Piano In San Francisco” and thought that it was easy to give you a few ideas about finding a piano practically anywhere you are.

Finding A Piano

Finding a piano is easy, you can find one almost anywhere if you know where to look. Whether it’s on social media, Google, or at a piano store near you, there are plenty of options to choose from.

However, the real challenge comes when you need basic services like delivery and tuning. It can be quite a hassle to find these services if you’re not familiar with the piano business.

R. Kassman Piano

 In 2019, Ric Overton took over ownership of R. Kassman Piano in Berkeley, CA, after 40 successful years of operation under Mr. Kassman.

Keeping true to his commitment to providing top-notch Fine European Pianos and more budget-friendly options, I also introduced a new rental business and implemented some minor adjustments to continue the tradition while bringing in fresh ideas. That’s why I always suggest going to a local dealer to find your piano. The benefits of doing so are clear and will make your piano buying experience much smoother.

Without a doubt, I am still managing, along with an exciting online piano store called, and of course,

Ric Overton

I really hope that someday you’ll be in the Bay Area, and you’ll take a quick detour to say hello and let Ric Overton help you find the perfect piano.

I can’t wait to assist you. 

Ric Overton

Fine European Pianos

Tuesday, December 19th, 2023

Fine European Pianos at R. Kassman Piano

When R. Kassman Piano first opened its doors in San Francisco in 1979, their aim was to bring Fine European Pianos to the area. Mr. Kassman quickly became a powerhouse in the bay area by offering top-notch Fine European Pianos. He even proudly adopted the title of “purveyor of fine pianos” to set himself apart from other piano dealers in the bay area. 

Steingraeber Piano

Okay, get ready to experience the top of the line German piano brand, Steingraeber, offered by R. Kassman. Steingraeber has consistently been recognized as the pinnacle of Fine European Pianos. Situated in Bayreuth Germany, they are known for hosting exceptional piano competitions and performances. Obviously, this is a brand you won’t want to miss out on!

Additionally, Steingraeber also builds one of the very finest pianos available on the planet. It is important to note that they also build one of the most expensive pianos as well.

Understandably, you simply have to experience this piano for yourself to understand its incredible sound and touch. It’s the top-rated choice but, if you’re serious about spending time at the piano, Steingraeber is the ultimate option for you.

Grotrian Piano

Grotrian Piano Grotrian piano is also in a league of its own. The sound of the Grotrian combined with the touch makes Grotrian one of the top ranking pianos.

Of course, when I bought the store from Mr. Kassman, I made a choice of was the best option for the business. Grotrian was the right choice.

Throughout the year, R. Kassman Piano has been busy selling and ordering Grotrian pianos for our customers. These pianos consistently arrive in pristine, top-notch condition, and it’s a rare occasion for us to have to make any adjustments to their sound or regulation.

While looking for one of the finest (ranked in the top 5 in Piano Buyer) pianos,then Grotrian is a piano that you have to experience.

Estonia Piano

Anyone who follows my blogs will know how much I love Estonia pianos. The tone is quite nice. It always comes in very smooth. It has a slightly brighter tone than some of it’s European counterparts but it’s not a percussive type of bright but more of a sparkling sound.

Obviously, the touch is incredible. R. Kassman Piano sells approximately 5 to 6 of these magnificent pianos a year and I am happy to be able to represent this work of art.

R. Kassman Piano

R. Kassman PianoR. Kassman has held the title of best piano store in the bay area for Fine European Pianos since 1979. I was truly grateful when I was given the chance to become part of this incredible legacy. He specifically mentioned that one of the reasons he reached out to me was because he knew my passion for European Pianos. 

Ric Overton has had a passion for exquisite pianos for a long time. The first time I played a Grotrian, I wasn’t as knowledgeable about sounds and touch as I am now, but I remember being blown away by the sparkling sound. I was completely amazed and couldn’t even find the right words to express it. 

Take the opportunity to drop by and play a European Piano at the best piano store in the Bay Area at R. Kassman Piano soon.

Thank you.

Ric Overton

Mozart Piano Returns Home

Friday, November 9th, 2012

This could not have been better planned.  It is amazing to see and potentially emotional.  This piano was the last piano that Mozart owned.  Of course most people do not realize that one of the most prolific composers of all times actually died at a rather early age but left behind a legacy that few would ever be able to overshadow.

The following clip is from ABC news and it briefly describes the return of Mozart’s last piano to his childhood home.  Click on the link below to see the amazing story which is done in three parts.  The commercials are bothersome but, try to be patient.

What a fascinating story.

Ric Overton

Special Announcement from Pearl River Piano Company

Friday, September 21st, 2012

Several years ago when I worked for Baldwin Piano Company I learned a lot about the various ways that other companies used to market their pianos and how they used their leverages to sell their products.  That’s when I first began to compete with Pearl River Pianos.  At that time, which was about 8 or 10 years ago, I began to see their products on the floor of dealerships more and more and I realized that they really were a force to be reckoned with.

Pearl River Piano and Rittmuller Piano

Pearl River Piano and Rittmuller Piano

Of course, we would use the fact that our pianos were made in America and try to encourage people to look at Baldwin Pianos rather than Pearl River Pianos, obviously because we wanted to make the sale rather than our competitor.  It wasn’t until the NAMM show of 2007 that I learned first hand that this is truly a piano to pay attention to.

As a Baldwin only dealership at the time, I hired two professional piano technicians to review the  Pearl River Piano for me.  I wanted an unbiased opinion on this product before I agreed to carry it in my store in San Diego.  They both independent of each other came back to me with almost exactly the same results.  In every category Pearl River Pianos outperformed  our expectations.  The deal was sealed and I became a Pearl River Piano dealer even to the point of selling out Baldwin and replacing them with Pearl River.


Pearl River and Ritmuller Pianos

In 2009 I had the opportunity to review their Rittmuller Piano which is a hybrid of European parts and Chinese manufacturing.  What I learned from this experience changed my opinion permanently.  The Rittmuller piano is an incredible  piano and again outperforms my expectations as well.

Music Trades magazine

Music Trades magazine


With all of that being said, this morning I received a note that really sealed my belief in Pear River Pianos.  In todays Music Trades magazine there was an a news brief outlining Pearl River’s  IPO in China.  Unlike Facebook, the stocks on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange sold over 48 million shares which raised more than $103,000,000.00 (yes that’s 103 Million with an M).  Quite impressive and another statement that underlines my belief in Pearl River.  I think that in the coming months we will see many great things from Pearl River and I for one am looking forward to it.

If  you have the opportunity to play, demonstrate or review a Pearl River Piano or Rittmuller Piano, trust me and take the time to do it.  Sure the name on the front does not start with a “Y” or and “S” but, I have no doubt that you will like the tone, texture and touch of this piano.


Ritmuller Piano

Ritmuller Piano

My hat is off to Pearl River Piano Group for a successful IPO and my best wishes to their continued success.

When you have a chance drop by and see what’s new.  Also, check out the Gear Shop and find something for yourself.

Ric Overton


Wolfgang Forster of August Forster Pianos 5/6/33 – 6/30/12

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

Today, I want to celebrate the company and heritage of one of the most famous names in the world of fine pianos.  Wolfgang Forster.  Wolfgang passed away on June 30, 2012.

May 6, 1933 Wolfgang Forster was born into a very famous and important family inLobau,Germany which is located in East Germany moments away from Poland to the East and Czech Republic to the South.  The piano company that he owned and operated with his daughter Annekatrin, this fourth generation piano company is among the most prestigious names in the piano industry today.

Before you read the story below you might find interesting:

August Forster Story

History of August Forster Pianos


Friedrich August Forster  was (more…)

Dr. Indrek Laul President of Estonia Piano

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Today I was sent a video that I had never seen although the date stamp points back to a 2008 fundraiser for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.  I was surprised by the performer who was Dr. Indrek Laul .  I consider Dr. Laul a friend or at least a  very good acquaintance and was a little embarrassed that I was not aware of his musical talent to the extent that this video shows.  See the video below.  It is the full composition by Gershwin so it is about 13 or 14 minutes.  Even if you can’t watch the entire video, bookmark it and come back to it – you will want to experience the last 3 minutes.

I am not a professional critic but I will tell you that this was an amazing performance.

Dr. Laul is one of the nicest men in (more…)

It’s a Revolution

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

What a great idea.   I got this link today and after investigating the group I learned that these guys actually choose a place to play, go in and have some pretty cool little concerts and venues.  Of course it’s all classical music and well presented.  Take the time to watch this and if you have the chance to do this, it is a nice promotion.



I really believe with all of my heart if we all pull together and do things like this in unexpected places.  We all have the power to make powerful influences within our personal circles.

Our piano teacher and piano tuners  also have powerful influences.

Ric Overton

AGE is all in your mind ?

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Hmmmmm……well, its hard to imagine that age is all your mind when you feel it in your bones.  Yes, it’s true.  I realize I’m not 30 anymore.  I know I know….I don’t look 30 anymore either.    I just picked up this article that you might find interesting.  Click on  the picture below for more on this subject.

Article on Aging and Playing The Piano

Article on Aging and Playing The Piano


There are teachers all over the U.S. that will teach people of any age.  There are many in Texas for example.  Give your local teacher a call.

It really is never to late to learn.  Recently, I sold a piano to a gentleman that was in his late 80’s and he had never played before and always wanted to.  He told me “If I’m going to learn, there’s no time like the present”.

Stop by Piano Social Directory and see what’s new.

Ric Overton

Births and Graveyards

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

Today I wanted to report on the happiest times and saddest times of our lives.  Birth and death.  Of course nothing is cuter and sweeter than a new born baby.  Babies are so adorable and even smell good ( most of the time) they always make you smile.  Conversely, deaths make us sad and graveyards can be so depressing.

Los Angeles Pianos “Play me I’m yours”

Los Angeles (most of you know is my favorite city on the planet) has just started placing these cool pianos all over the city.  I am not sure how many they are actually placing but, the designs are really cool and make you smile.

In an interview yesterday one of the guys who was behind getting these pianos put in place said that the most important thing in this ‘show’ was to get people playing the piano and get people interested in playing the piano and perhaps getting people who used to play  – playing again.  The statement was also made somewhere that “making music come alive inside of someone” is the primary goal.

I think this is one of the coolest promotions ever.  Take a look at the promotion website

Click here to see cool video

Click To See Video

Click To See Video


It so exciting to see people getting surprised by seeing a piano sitting in the middle of the sidewalk and then sit down and play.  They just make you smile.


Yesterday I got this email from a friend and was surprised, disgusted and all around sad to see the caption of the picture and hear the story of how people just DUMP these pianos in this one particular place.  It makes me sad that people just discard of these instruments as if they are just old pieces of dead wood that has no life.

I suppose if you look at it through the eyes of a person who doesn’t play, it really is just a piece of dead –  worthless wood.  But, somehow it just breaks my heart to see this and to know how much joy this instrument bought into someones life and how full the piano made the home feel and the people that may have stood around it and sang Christmas carols, well,  you get the point.

Piano Graveyard

Piano Graveyard


Not sure how you feel, but, I like the first picture better than this one.

Bring life into your home today – start playing.

Ric Overton

So You Want To Be A Concert Artist ?

Friday, March 30th, 2012

This documentary is one of the best I have ever seen.  I learned of it today from and was very impressed with our insight into the mind and heart of the concert musician.  I have experienced a small part of what you see in this documentary and believe me – it doesn’t come easy.  Perfect practice and a drive for perfection is what these people all have in common.  Amazing video I hope you enjoy.

Incredible are the only words I have to describe.

Ric Overton

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