From The Blog Of Ric Overton...

Posting and Blogging

In the next few weeks I am going to be discussing the difference between blogging and posting and how they affect you and your business.

Social Media by definition is nothing more than communicating with your friends, fans and potential customers via the internet. In times past we have used things like newsletters or direct mail or perhaps a tv, newspaper or radio ad to get the word out about a special event or promotion in the store. Now it means much more.

When you hear the term “Social Media” your mind conjures up all kinds of images. You have Facebook and some of you are thinking “if I hear Facebook one more time, I’m going to scream”, Twitter, MySpace, Linkedin, Street Mavens, Blogger, Word Press, You Tube, etc. But, social media is so much more than just that. Social Media is also part of email blasts and includes the use of pictures, videos and of course blogs and micro blogs as well.

Social media is all of these things but, it also serves a secondary purpose. The secondary purpose is ………wait for it………Google. You all know that Google is the dominant search engine used. Some analysts are saying that Google handles 67% of all searches done on the internet globally, every year. Yahoo, Googles closest competitor, gets only 16% of the searches. Bing, which has increased in recent months, is still sitting with all of Microsoft’s search engines at only 11% or so.

While posting to the social media platforms alone are not enough to get you a higher ranking in Google it does other things like provide you with links. I am not going into that subject right now but suffice it to say that it does play in together and all of these things hold hands and do communicate with each other in some way.

People automatically assume that this is difficult. While posting and blogging is not difficult, there are a combination of words that have to be properly placed together to make sense not only to the reader but, also to the all-important search engines. You must be using this phraseology correctly for the search engines that are constantly reading your posts and blogs to understand what you are doing and then in turn rank your website properly on the search.

Additionally, shortly I will also discuss pianos, organs and their origins.  I am hoping to continue to bring these programs together as I continue work with dealers, artists and manufacturers building their programs as well.

Thanks for reading.

Ric Overton of via

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