From The Blog Of Ric Overton...

Ever Heard This Line

“Do what you love and you will never work a day”?

Well, let me tell you.  This may work for some but it certainly doesn’t work for everyone.  However, I must tell you that I really do consider myself a very fortunate guy.  Not only do I work with people that I respect and love, but, I also work around my very favorite instruments.  I have been in love with pianos since I was a kid.  But it is WORK.

I don’t know when I would have been through a whole day without having to email a customer, call a customer, visit a customer or do some blogs, or maintenance on the website.

SmileI mean what else could a man ask for right?  I love to see pianos, they make me smile and I enjoy the customers, they also make me smile.    I am a lucky, lucky man.

When I go to work in the mornings at my little piano store on the central coast of California, I actually enjoy walking through the doors.  Of course, the store is not that busy and I’m not overcome with work.  Some days are more difficult than others.

I write blogs for several different people and do a lot of social media work for piano companies and piano stores, but, I enjoy simply reading about pianos and seeing what is going on in the piano industry.

I wish everyone could experience this type of love for their jobs.  The world would be a different place if everyone loved what they do as much as I do.

Ric Overton

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