NAMM 2019 has been as exciting as ever. There are a few highlights that I need to tell you about. Lots of products are the same as always but there are a few things that are so different that they have to be talked about and noticed.

Some of the differences are so out of the ordinary that I will try and break them down by brand name to make it easier to understand.
The highlights include Sauter, Steingraeber, Brodmann, Geyer, Gebr. Schulz and Wilh. Steinberg and others, Grotrian gets special mention along with a couple of others.
While I am here I am going to make every attempt to interview each of these companies and get their thoughts of the changes and report accordingly.
Its always great to see old friends and meet new ones, see the exciting products and visit with newcomers. All in all I feel as if NAMM 2019 has been a great success.
Of all the news I have heard, Every single dealer has expressed an uptick in business in 2018 and a bright expectation of 2019. More on that to come.
The show was incredible and as far as I can tell every single manufacturer had the same opinion and that was that the dealers and people “in the know” we happy with the results and optimistic about our future.
Some highlights will follow.
Ric Overton